Metasploit Basics
To become familiar with the metasploit framework one should know the basic commands of metasploit.Metasploit commands are classified into 2 types1.Core commands
2.Database commands
To open metasploit,open terminal type msfconsole.
1.Core commands
To open these commands type ? Or type help in the metasploit console.Now i will explain the important commands that will help in the exploitation.
Useful commands
1)back : To come back from the current exploit or module
you can see i am getting back from the exploit(ms10_002_aurora) to msf main window.
2)banner: This command displays metasploit banner
3)connect :This command is used to connect to the host.we should specify the host ip address and port number along with this command.
4)exit and quit: These commands are used to exit from metasploit and it comes to the root.
6)info: This command displays the whole information about the selected exploit.
7)load:This command is used to load plugins into metasploit.
8)unload:This command is used to unload the loaded plugin from the framework.
9)search:This command is used to search a specific exploit or module.This command is very useful to
10)resource: This command is used to run specific commnads from a specified file.we should give the file path along wiht this command.
11)use:This command is used to select a specific exploit.
12)version:This command will display the current version of metasploit.
To update metasploit type msfupdate in the console.
13)set and unset: These commands set variables.By using these commands we can set our payloads and we can set ip address.
using unset we can unset the value and we can give the new ipaddress.
14)setg and unsetg:These commands are used to set our variable globally throught our pentesting.
15)show :This command is used to view the options or modules.It is a very useful command.
By default,metasploit comes with postgress database
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